EmotionalAid® Digital Course
We are welcoming you to Join thousands of people worldwide who equipped themselves with the EmotionAid practical tools for dealing with anxiety and trauma in their day to day life!
FREE PREVIEWLesson number one: About Stress
Lesson number two : Trauma And Healing Vortex
Lesson number three: How to Naturally Manage Stress
Lesson number four: The World of Sensations
Lesson number five: Resources
Lesson number six: The five steps of EmotionAid®
Therapists and professionals who want to improve their abilities in the field of trauma, stress and anxiety. And add to their toolbox the most promoting tool in the field. People who themselves experience a challenge on the issue of stress, anxiety or post-trauma. For anyone who wants to give friends, family or anyone close to him, a tool for regulating the level of stress.
We live in a world filled with stressful situations, and we tend to accumulate stress. The main problem is we only have a few easy solutions to discharge it. We believe that the knowledge we have needs to be spread worldwide in order to make our daily life easier and less stressful.
The course is structured in a way that will allow you to progress at your own pace and according to your personal character. The total time of all classes is two hours, they are recorded and always available to you, so you can go to them whenever you want. We suggest you return to the classes again and again throughout your journey for practice and maintenance.